Saturday, 3 April 2010


Well aren't I just that big, fat, ugly Pokemon known as JYNX! Or Gynx! Or however you spell it!

There's a reason I never bet on Arsenal, or predict their scores seriously, or even talk about them winning. It's not because I'm negative or I don't know my football, I am just a jinx.

I would always rather bet on Arsenal losing so if they do lose I win money and if they win it ends up being money well spent.

My first ever blog wasn't too bad, could've been better, but then again I'm always harsh on myself so I'm never going to write something that I'm truly happy with. I said that I wanted to absolutely smash Wolves, gain confidence before Barcelona, improve our not so good goal difference and you know, watch the Arsenal of old that battered teams. That didn't happen which is frustrating but I know that at this point in the season, points are more important, so the three points that we Nick'ed right at the end of today's game matter more to me than the actual performance.

I listened to the first half on Arsenal TV Online, then fell asleep at half time, woke up to the Soccer Saturday panel laughing at the Sunderland v Spurs match then realised I had missed quite a bit of the second half. Shit! I waited for the scores to come up and Arsenal 0-0 Wolves appeared. Shit! Again! "Ahh well we'll knick the points right at the end," I thought to myself. And luckily that came true.

Sagna crossed from the right and Nicklas Bendtner nodded it past Hahnemann with 93 or 94 minutes on the clock (it wasn't a great video). I heard that fat nosed Scouse twat shout "GOOOAL!" and initally thought that Wolves had knicked it, but when I saw that it was Arsenal, I didn't react, I didn't even shout, I just sank back into my pillow and calmly thought, "the title is back on!" That's the calmest I've ever been while hearing Arsenal score, at least compared to how mad I went when I heard Nasri score against Birmingham last week.

Anyway, Bendtner scored, Walcott played well or poor depending on whether you're with him or against him and that Tommo (fat nosed Scouse twat) said that before this game Walcott would've been a shoe-in for the first team in the Nou Camp, but now, not so much. But I'll watch higlights tonight and see what I think. To be honest, I don't care, I'd still start him, I love him, I love all the Arsenal players, no matter how shit they're perceived to be, because they wear the shirt that I so dearly love!

Chelsea won convincingly at Old Trafford and are 3 points ahead of us with Man Utd only 1 point ahead of us. I would have preferred a last minute John Terry own goal for it to have become 2-2 but hey, you can't always get what you want. And in my case, you never f*ckin' do!

Arsenal have won against Wolves and now have to prepare for Barca round 2. Let's do 'em! And before you start worrying, no, I'm not predicting anything. I am now just going to comment on stuff that's already happened. And before games I'll only say stuff like, "let's hope Arsenal win!" You will be seeing a lot more hopes as apposed to any other words as I don't want to jinx anything.

So let's stay positive and keep taking each game, game by game.



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