As I explained in one of my previous posts I was there to witness the Scum slip up against Pompey, literally, but I was also there to witness our boys fuck it all up at Shite Hart Lane in the box... and luckily I wasn't at Wigan!
These weeks are hard to take, in football, nothing goes right for you, nothing makes sense, you start to wonder why you even like football then you just end up sulking until you hear a voice in your head shout, "just forget it you twat, take your mind off it then in a couple of days you'll be fine!" So I did just that!
At work on Thursday I didn't get much stick. I was lucky. I did, however, explain to someone that they shouldn't take the piss out of me as I didn't say anything about the Pompey result but that was the closest I came to defending myself. Other than that I was pretty calm and agreed with most of everyone else that on that shitty Wednesday night, we just weren't at the races.
Sol Campbell was my man of the match, for both teams. I am the most biased person in the world when it comes to anything involving Arsenal so some may say Gomes deserved it but I just couldn't see past Campbell. And it seems that no one could even get past him so I think I'm right when I say he was the best player that night. If we had Van Persie on for 10 more minutes then we probably would've won as Gomes would've eventually let one in (like he did with Bendtner) and if we had another 3 or 4 characters like the Legend himself, Sol "Brick Wall" Campbell (as I called him), then we would have walked away with it without any problems. And yes, that was the view from their box!
Even though Wenger admitted after the game that the title was all but over, along with some of the players, I still thought we could do it. Or at least I felt keeping faith would help me feel better. But yea, I still had the belief. Call it stupidity, call it blind faith, call it naivety, I call it maths! With another Spuds win against Chelsea and we win up at Wigan it was back to three points and Chelsea would just have to drop points again and again with Man Utd and we'd just stumble past the finishing line with another Premiership crown on our heads. But that all ended with the quickest 10 minutes I've ever known! And I think Wenger forgot to tell the boys that Chelsea lost the day before!!! Which leads to my next point... Wigan!

We didn't play particularly brilliant in the first half against Martinez's men but with Totteringham beating Chelsea we still had a chance of winning something so I would've been happy with a boring 1-0 win like Wolves. Walcott scored a great goal before half time which showed he does have it in his locker, he just needs to show it more. Then when Silvestre scored for the second season running at the JJB/DW Stadium I thought to myself, "right, come on boys, let's get some goal difference back!" But for some reason it just all deteriorated!
Wigan pressed us and we just couldn't keep the ball. Arsenal barely put more than 6 or 7 passes together without a poor touch from someone, leading to a Wigan attack. The crowd became more and more up for it as the minutes slowly ticked past and as they got louder, their players got better, and as their players got better, the crowd got even louder. It was as if we just watched them destroy us without anyone doing or saying anything. Then Watson scored a brilliantly worked goal. I wasn't worried yet but I did see that we had completely lost any momentum we had. Fabianski again showed that he might just not be good enough. I say "might" because I just cannot be negative about an Arsenal player! So it was 2-2 and with so little time left I had given up on the title and the game. But no, there was more. Before I had even finished texting my brother the score it was 3-2, a cracking goal by N'Zogbia and that was it. Wigan's first victory against us in the league, another defeat for Arsenal, another shambolic display from our defence all over the pitch and another day at work where I was going to get abused.
This week hasn't been too bad though to be honest. I got over the Wigan result pretty quickly, I was over it by that night in fact and could laugh it off at work because when you're team loses a 2-0 lead in such a bad way, there's nothing to be bitter about, so I thought I dealt with it quite well!
I hope Wenger spends big BUT doesn't sell anyone! I say that because our squad just can't handle fighting on all four fronts for a whole season, so keep everyone, as squad players if necessary, bring in some top quality players, give the team a sense of competitiveness again and watch the trophies roll in!
I can't wait for the Man City game although we will probably lose and Adebayor will bang one in! Let's hope I'm wrong! I might even put a bet on that piece of shit scoring a goal against us!
Keep the faith people! Wanting players and managers out won't do anyone any good! Let's just stick together, if not for the players themselves then at least for this mighty club we all love! Because I fucking love Arsenal and I can't wait to watch us win the title and Champions League double next year when Wenger spends a shit load of dosh! Haha, let's at least hope so ay!!!